Rosewood Online Giving
If your financial institution uses Zelle®, you will be able to make contributions directly to the church. Zelle® is a digital payments network offered by several financial institutions. This service is free of charge, and it is simple to set up an account.
Follow these steps:
1. From a Zelle® partnered financial institution you can use your bank’s website or mobile app. Search for Zelle® and select the option to transfer funds. Once you are on the Zelle® page, select to give by email. Do not use the phone number option.
2. Set up the name by inserting in the first name space, “Rosewood Avenue”. In the last name space insert “Baptist Church”. Using the email option, enter the following email address:
3. In the message section, please designate how you would like your donation allocated. For example, if your total giving is $200.00, in the message section, tell us how you would like it divided (see example below): Add message: Tithes-$100; Offering-$50; Building Fund-$25; Scholarship Fund-$25
When you submit your gift, you will receive an email from your bank confirming your contribution. The church finance team will also receive a notification. To find out if your financial institution is a Zelle® partner, press the "click here" button below.
2. Set up the name by inserting in the first name space, “Rosewood Avenue”. In the last name space insert “Baptist Church”. Using the email option, enter the following email address:
3. In the message section, please designate how you would like your donation allocated. For example, if your total giving is $200.00, in the message section, tell us how you would like it divided (see example below): Add message: Tithes-$100; Offering-$50; Building Fund-$25; Scholarship Fund-$25
When you submit your gift, you will receive an email from your bank confirming your contribution. The church finance team will also receive a notification. To find out if your financial institution is a Zelle® partner, press the "click here" button below.
Giving by Mail
Please mail your check or money order, made payable to Rosewood Avenue Baptist Church to:
P.O. Box 142211
Austin, TX 78714
Please do not send cash in the mail.